Sujal Sancheti

Sujal Sancheti

Nutrition and Health coach

Hi I am Sujal Sancheti, A certified sports Nutritionist, Founder and CEO of Nutrifitworld and a competitive powerlifter. Through Nutrifitworld, I want to inspire and empower busy executives to prioritize their well-being and achieve their health and fitness goal. My personal struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle led me have the determination to explore the realm of vegetarian and whole food plant based nutrition. Determined to bridge the gap between indulgence and well-being, I embarked on a journey of self-education, obtaining multiple certifications and immersing myself in the study of nutrition.


When it comes to health and fitness, I believe in sustainability over all else! Sure, there are great "12-weekprograms, 1-month challenges, 90-day transformations", but by the end of the day, when you finish that, what's next? Another 12-week program? When working with clients, I like to build from the ground up. Instead of handing you a meal plan, I teach you how to build your own.

Sujal Sancheti
Sujal Sancheti